Technology and the Rest of Culture
5th Social Research Conference January 16-18, 1997 This conference was devoted to the thesis that technology is not separate and apart...
In the Company of Animals
4th Social Research Conference April 6-8, 1995 Animals have been hunted and domesticated, befriended and eaten, worshiped and feared,...
Rescue: The Paradoxes of Virtue
3rd Social Research Conference November 17-18, 1994 Confronted with the suffering of others, whether caused by natural disaster or...
Home: A Place in the World
2nd Social Research Conference October 25-27, 1990 We live in a time when the idea of home has become problematic. We are confronted...
In Time of Plague: The History and Social Consequences of Lethal Epidemic Disease
The conference was organized with the expectation that an open discussion among scientists and scholars might help to place the current...